Since a few months, you can link your Strava account to TIPPS, enabling an automatic upload of your training sessions to TIPPS (hence not needing to upload the data manually).
All you need to do is to find the connection
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Source: https://www.wort.lu/de/wissen/studie-des-lih-wo-drueckt-der-laufschuh-59c1f88f56202b51b13c3899
Auswirkungen von Laufstil und Schuhwahl
Das sportmedizinische Forschungslabor (SMRL) des LIH möchte dies in einer großangelegten Studie ändern. Das Team um Verletzungsforscher Laurent Malisoux will wissen, ob die Stoßdämpfung der Schuhe tatsächlich einen Einfluss auf das Verletzungsrisiko beim
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Source: rtl.lu
Lafsport: gutt Schong = manner Verletzungen?
Lafen ass gesond. Lafen ass einfach, well jiddereen et iwwerall ka maachen. Lafen ass och dat éischt, wat ee léiert. An awer kann ee sech och beim Lafen blesséieren. Am heefegsten si Problemer
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On Saturday 16th September 2017 took place the Handball Congress “Medical and Training Aspects in Handball” at the International University of Health, Exercise and Sports LUNEX, in Differdange, Luxembourg. The congress which focused on injury prevention in one of the
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Interview with 2 of our sports scientists from Luxembourg Institute of Health, Prof. Daniel Theisen and Eric Besenius, and Prof. Axel Urhausen in the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg Sports Clinic on RTL's PISA magazine on doping and cycling performances:
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"Some of the most careful and methodical research comes from a small group in Luxembourg, led by Laurent Malisoux, [..]. While many studies have pitted different types of shoes against each other, Malisoux and his colleagues in the Sports Medicine Research
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